Saturday, October 3, 2009

Treasure Hunt

Jesus Christ is the greatest treasure a man could hope to find. But do we search & seek after him like a precious jewel or buried treasure? If you have ever lost your wallet or phone what did you do? Search search search until you found it. Nothing but finding what you lost is on your mind and you can never fully be at peace or content until you have found it. You search everything...I think its time I start to view God as a hidden treasure. To find a buried treasure you use the map...well I believe that map is the bible. I know way to often I just read through a passage of the Bible and then close it up for next time. The Bible is the very word of God and through searching it we can grow closer to him and learn how we can find the hidden prize. If we come closer to God he will come closer to us...Now remember that time you lost something of value..what was it like when you found what you were looking for? For me findind my wallet filled me with pure much more will we find if we find God the treasure of our lives?? God is love, joy, peace, and everything good. So if we give everything we posses to seek after him when we do it will be pure bliss. He gave himself on the cross because we are precious like jewels to him... can we say the same about him? So what do you say, do you want to go for a treasure hunt?

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