Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ok Break!

So why haven't I blogged lately well its because its because I have beeen way too busy enjoying break! Break has like usual been super sweet. I have seen lots of friends, spent countless hours sleeping in, gone-skiing, visited the zoo, and tons of fun activities. This break was very needed. I almost thought i wasn't going to make it through all the crazyness of school but I did. I was feeling burnt out and just tired. Break once again has done its job and got me back to 100%. Its almost a week till school starts and I am already getting pumped for this semester. I begun my training for the 2010 cycling season and despite freezing temps its nice to be back training again. It always helps me to focus, think about stuff, and most importantly spend time alone with God. Also this semester we are starting Joshua Team! So cool, and with all the ballin awesome guys in my study I can't wait to run head over heels after God with them. My sister is actually going to be up in fort collins this year which is very exciting. Last night I went to the college night at New Life Church. It was so refreshing to just be surrounded by over 1000 college christians all worshiping and learning about God. The pastor's talk really spoke to me. It was all about so called New Years Resolutions..Yes Resolutions aren't bad and are good goals..but to put God on a checklist with for example working out isn't good. Our list should be to know God more.....end of list. Often we look to the New Year to cut out procrastination, to be more productive etc etc but when it comes down to it the most important thing is this life is knowing God. This sounds crazy when some many things in life seem more important. The best way to known God is get in that WORD!! thats right because we know from scripture that the bible is the very breath or word of God. By simplying reading your bible your are reading the living and active words of the creator of the universe.In Matthew 10:39 Jesus says "Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." Our Resolution should always be about Him not us..we just have to let go of those things that seem so good but are really nothing in comparison to Jesus. I know its hard ..sometimes when looking to the New Year I have so many questions..How will I do in School? Where will I work? Will I find a girl to date? What about cycling? What should I do about this??? While I was riding God answered...ME..yes its not the answer you want to hear but He is the answer. No we don't know what will happen on this crazy roller-coaster ride of life but we do know Jesus is with us...Sometimes as bad as we want answers we need to step aside and say God no matter what happens you are all I need. So for this year of course I have hopes & dreams along with fears but I know God will be there tommorrow, the day after that and forever. So I have my resolution..or prayer is that I might come to know God better and make him known. Its a daily process of taking small baby steps and if ever fall Jesus is there to catch us..Its preaching the Gospel to ourselves daily..Christ died for my sin..and everyone sins so that we might live with him in eternal peace. So this year I intend to learn more about the prince of a glorious kingdom whom left everything to rescue the one whom he loved..that being you&me.

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